Our Work

Ombudsman Saskatchewan

We were involved in a two-phase awareness campaign for Ombudsman Saskatchewan. Both had for objective to increase public awareness of OMBSk’s services. In particular, it was our task to increase public awareness of not only the better-known role of government overseer, but to more specifically confirm its stewardship in the areas of health services, utilities, and automobile insurance. In collaboration with OMBSk, we developed a series of key messages and visual treatments, which were tested via focus groups. Based on the conclusion of this testing, the final concepts and designs were crafted into what became a province-wide campaign
The communication strategy and media plan were developed, always mindful of the limited budget while still aiming to reach as wide an audience as possible.  It included busboards, print ads in select newspapers, online ads, and a TV spot for which we secured a public service announcement status. This meant free air time on several networks, a great value to OMBSk. Furthermore, we used health networks to circulate informational posters and digital messages. The campaign was also weaved into OMBSk’s website.

“Creativity is an advertising agency's most valuable asset, because it is the rarest.” Charles Mingus